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Sharing Garden
有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。在小艾我們堅持這樣的心態,讓每個遊客、背包客、過 客、旅人,我們重視的是分享,在這你可以分享你旅行途中喜怒哀樂的故事,或是生命中讓你難忘的故事,你也可以安靜的當一個聆聽者,靜靜的聽著別人的分享。無論如何,我們希望你來小艾,可以放空、發呆、思考、找尋自己,或是找到一種也想對自己家鄉做點什麼的想法,來了這裡不是開始也不是結束,我們是逗點,在你的生命中曾經有那麼一頁,而現在我們分享著.............
In the Eye, we welcome friends come from everywhere. Our goal is to make every of you feel relax and comfortable or even more nice feelings when you visit our hostel. In here, you can share everything such as experience of traveling or story. You can also be a listener, just enjoy others story. We hope everyone comes to here can bring something back with you; here may be a new beginning of your life. We are just one of your memories through the journey.
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